UX Designer

Hull, East Yorkshire, UK

Social: ****Linkedin - X(Twitter) - Dribbble

Website: jonwoodcock.co.uk

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: [+44 754 6275 594](Tel:+44 754 6275 594)

😊 Bio

Currently, I'm a Senior UX designer at KCOM, leveraging over a decade of experience in the digital realm to design and develop diverse user experiences. My approach is inherently goal-oriented, and I find immense satisfaction in problem-solving. This involves collaborating with stakeholders to deeply understand the issues, pinpoint the user-centric objectives, and ultimately prioritize user needs.

As a senior UX designer, my greatest source of fulfilment stems from resolving tangible customer challenges. Witnessing customers being empowered, witnessing their lives enriched, and facilitating business growth through enhanced user experiences is profoundly motivating. This passion fuels my commitment to continuous improvement and my unwavering dedication to delivering exceptional customer experiences.

📝 Experience

Senior UX Designer - KCOM

Aug 2023 - Present | Hull, UK

UX Designer - KCOM

Mar 2015 - Aug 2023 | Hull, UK

Web Designer - Clever4